Trained as a Fashion Photographer and currently a freelance Lighting Director based in New York City, Kevin first stepped onto the mat in 2010 after a casual invitation from one of his assistants during an assignment. What ensued after that first trial week at YogaWorks NYC has been a liberating and enlightening journey that he hopes to share with others. Encouraged by his teachers to deepen his practice through teacher training, Kevin completed his 500TT @ YogaWorks NYC. His interest in Iyengar and restorative practices lead to teacher trainings in Adaptive Yoga with Jillian Pransky E-RYT/IAYT and later assisting her on multiple teacher trainings. Further training includes: Veteran’s Yoga Project / Mindful Resilience for Trauma Recovery Level 1, Jill Miller/ The Roll Model Method – the Science of Rolling and other studies.