How to find Your New Parent Community through Yoga

Metta Yoga is launching a new business, Metta mama this month! Read on to learn how you can find the support you need as you journey into new parenthooD-and why it’s so important for new families to build community

by ashley stachon

Why is it helpful to build community when you become a new parent?

When I was trying to get pregnant, I was positive my yoga practice was going to stay exactly the same once I was with child. I would be the woman in arm balances and deep inversions at 9 months pregnant. Practicing strong Vinyasa consistently for 15 years and teaching for the previous 5 years had convinced me that my body would be prepared for pregnancy and labor without any kind of change in my routine (I also assumed my life would not change once I had the baby, but that is for another blog post). But then I got pregnant and at 6 weeks my belly began to dome (a possible first sign that you might be developing diastasis recti) and I started to develop on and off sacral pain pretty soon after that. I realized I needed to step into the new reality of my body and start really practicing yoga. I had to let go of my expectations and meet myself where I was at that moment so I went in search of a prenatal yoga class. The class I found taught me so much about my body, helped me mentally and physically prepare for birth and introduced me to some of my closest mommy friends. It was the class I never knew I needed. And once my daughter was born, I found a postnatal baby and mommy class where I gained more knowledge and support for the next steps of my parenting journey.

How can yoga help you if you are expecting?

Metta Mama is an exciting new space for women to come and be in community, to practice yoga together, share knowledge and best practices. To learn and grow and support each other through the journey of being pregnant, becoming a mother, and everything that comes after. We’ve built a schedule of classes and offerings to help create space mentally, physically and spiritually and to create community with other expecting mamas. Metta Mama’s goal is that every expecting momma who takes class will leave with a deeper understanding of her body and her pregnancy. To that end, each class includes breathwork, mindfulness meditation and movement to support every stage of pregnancy; modifications will be offered and props will be utilized to accommodate every stage of the prenatal journey. We also offer classes to support moms and their physical and mental well-being after their baby is born, we know firsthand how important it is for new parents to have a support network.

Where can I find the support I need?

Every pregnancy is unique and everyone’s journey through the process is a path they must carve out for themselves. The option to have a space to go for prenatal and postnatal yoga - to learn about your body, to be in community with other women - is a gift. Which is why I am so excited to be part of creating Metta Yoga’s new studio, Metta Mama, located in studio C at our San Rafael location: a space for new and expecting mothers. This summer, we are offering prenatal and postnatal mommy and baby yoga classes with more programming to come as we grow into our new space in the fall. Starting June 20, Danelle Weller will be offering pre/postnatal pilates core class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon.  We are also collaborating with the amazing Yoga Mama Co-Op Founders: Amber Charne, Veronica Geretz, and Natalie Scheuring and offering their mom pods at Metta Mama starting later this summer. And check out our events page to find out about workshops and our new mom’s book club.

Join us this summer, whether you are just starting out in your yoga practice or want to continue your practice through your pregnancy!

We are thrilled to be able to offer this sacred space and look forward to welcoming you to our studio.

To find out more about our classes and to sign up for a class or workshop, visit Metta Mama:

About Ashley Stachon

Ashley Stachon is a prenatal and postnatal yoga instructor at Metta Mama.

Meet yourself on the mat where you are in this very moment. This is a philosophy that deeply resonates with Ashley in both her practice and her teaching. In 2004, just out of college, she was initially attracted to the practice because of the handstands and splits, being a former competitive gymnast. Over the years, as she began to let the practice in, she realized the benefits of what she practiced on the mat, and the profound influence it had on her life off the mat. Ashley has been teaching since 2012, is the mother of a 5 year old daughter and a 3 year old son.

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