Tap Into Innate Wisdom: Find and Activate Your Third Eye Chakra

Have you ever wanted to tap into the innate wisdom inside of you? Are you ready to learn the difference between the outer noise that stimulates ego and the inner stillness within your depths that soothes the soul? Honor your intuitive knowing by learning more about the third eye chakra below!

by Marisa Lavalette

What is the third eye chakra?

In Sanskrit, the third chakra is known as ajna. Ajna means “perception.” Do you rely on your eyes for gathering the information you need, or do you know how to drop down into the deeper knowing of your intuition?

Where is the third eye chakra?

The third eye chakra is located on the front of the forehead between your eyebrows and is associated with the pineal gland.

What yoga poses and practices help to balance the third eye chakra?

Whenever you’re looking to tap into your inner wisdom, hit the pause button in balasana (child’s pose). Closing the eyes, eliminating distractions, and turning inwards can help to quiet the outer noise and create space for your inner experience. Forward folds like upavistha konasana (wide legged seated forward bend) or sukhasana (cross-legged “contented space pose”) with a block(s) stacked under the forehead can also help to bring your awareness to your interior experience.

If you’re feeling separated from your inner intuitive wisdom or encountering anxiety, pranayama (breath work) practices such as nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), pictured below, can help to bring balance to the nervous system.

How to activate and open your third eye chakra—

Your third eye chakra may be blocked if you’re constantly looking to others for their input and seeking external validation. While feedback from trusted advisors and allies can be helpful, spend more time listening to the wisdom of the Universe, which is always inside of you. Sit in meditation, or write in your journal, creating the quiet space to drop down and listen to the voice of your intuition.

Looking to Take a Deeper Dive into the Chakras?

Want to go deeper into understanding the seven chakras and your relationship to them? Then join Marisa LaValette on 3/19 at San Rafael Studio for Attune + Align Chakra Immersion. She can’t wait to guide you on your journey through your chakra system in this holistic half-day workshop. Learn more here.

About Marisa LaValette

Marisa is a Bay Area based vinyasa yoga teacher who teaches awareness of the subtle energy body through the innate roadmap of the chakra system. Her classes are fun, fiery, flowy, and challenging. Her class begins with a sacred moment for breath and intention setting. Learn philosophy, mythology, and astrology through Marisa's passionate storytelling all while you sweat. Wind down with savasana, mantra, and affirmations, and walk away with real time actionable tools to live out your dharma, your highest purpose, off your mat. 

Take class with Marisa

Monday and Wednesday 6-7pm Vinyasa Flow at Metta Yoga San Rafael. Book HERE.

© 2023 Metta Yoga LLC

ChakrasAmy Greywitt