PRE-Recorded OFFERings!

USE PROMO CODE: BEGIN19 to get the beginner’s series for just $19

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Unlimited Membership

7 Day Free Trial - Access all of your favorite Metta teachers any time of the day. Classes added daily so that you always have fresh content. Explore Your Edge, Transform Your Body, Fuel Your Soul!

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Beginners Yoga Series

PROMO CODE: BEGIN19 for $70 off the regular price. At the end of the 6 class series, students will feel ready to join an in-studio yoga class with confidence in their knowledge of the poses, safe alignment, and muscle memory.

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Specialty Workshops

We are always adding new workshops that take a deep dive into one of the Chakras, poses, or areas of the body that you would like to focus on. These offerings are in addition to our unlimited membership.