This class series meets Wednesdays from 10:00 AM- 10:30 AM from April 30 - May 28.
Yoga helps children to manage emotions and provides opportunities to explore fun physical movement, develop body awareness, coordination, and of course, to play! We will create space to connect through yoga poses, games, storytelling and more. Through the poses your child will build balance, strength and flexibility.
We will also introduce working with the breath in an imaginative way that is accessible. Yoga and mindfulness have been shown to improve both physical and mental health in school-age children by enhancing focus, memory, self-esteem, academic performance, and classroom behavior, and can even reduce anxiety and stress in children. In this series, your little one will have countless opportunities to discover shapes, explore balance and the celebrate the body's incredible abilities.
This class is designed for ages 3 - 5.
Parents welcome to stay and watch or drop off.
Price: $88
STEP 1: Buy the Series